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Privacy Policy

Information provided pursuant to the European Regulation on the protection of personal data GDPR 2016/679

According to the indicated legislation, this processing will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights.

1: Data controller and responsible for the protection of the data processed

The Data Controller is ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS with registered office in Corso Re Umberto 8, 10121 Torino - Italy.
The Data Protection Officer (RPD/DPO- Data Protection Officer) is RICAFORTE MARIA IMELDA ALARCON, contactable at the email address info@elizabethfay.it.

2: Type of data processed

ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS processes the following types of personal data (hereinafter, "data") provided by Site Users upon their consultation and/or registration on the Site, in particular:

a: Data obtained while a User is browsing the Site
The IT systems, cookie technology and software procedures used to operate the Website www.elizabethfay.it} acquire, during their normal operation, some data whose transmission is implicit in the use of the Internet. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow browsing users to be identified. This category of data includes, for example, the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the Users who connect to the Site, the pages visited by the Users within the same, the domain names and addresses of the websites which the User accessed (through referral) the Site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the web server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the web server, and other parameters relating to the type of browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox), operating system (e.g. Macintosh, Windows) and the IT environment of the User.

This data is collected using first-party proprietary technical cookies and third-party analytical cookies. For further information on navigation data, Users are invited to consult the Site's Cookie Policy.

b: Personal data provided by Users
Most of the pages and contents of the Site are accessible by the User without his identification being necessary for the purposes of consultation or insertion of personal data. Access and consultation of the Site therefore does not require any registration or insertion of personal data, except for the registration page on the site (which allows access to the so-called "reserved area"), for the "contacts" page and for the "newsletter" page.

The User has, if he wishes, the right to register in the Reserved Area. In this case, you will provide {WA-COMPANYNAME}, during registration, in the Reserved Area with your identification data including for example name, surname, e-mail, address, password.
On the "contacts" page the user can request commercial or other information: on this page the user must provide name, email, city and telephone (mandatory only name and email).
On the "newsletter" page the user can subscribe to the site's newsletter, and to do so you will have to enter the same data requested when registering in the Reserved Area.

3: Purpose and legal basis of the processing

The data provided by registered and unregistered Users will be processed for the following Service purposes:

  1. for the management and processing of statistical surveys on the use of the Site;
  2. to carry out the maintenance and technical assistance necessary to ensure the correct functioning of the Site and the services connected to it;
  3. to improve the quality and structure of the Site, as well as to create new services, functions and/or features of the same;
  4. to process any contact request sent by the User by completing the appropriate form or by email, e.g. to obtain clarifications on the services offered by ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS;
  5. to allow the User to be sent commercial communications and/or newsletters by email on services, products and initiatives proposed by ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS
  6. to allow ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS to exercise its rights in court and repress illicit behaviour;
  7. to comply with legal or regulatory obligations.

4: Nature of the Provision of Data

The provision of data by the User is mandatory only for registration in the Reserved Area, for requesting information from the "contacts" page and for subscribing to the "newsletter".
Any refusal to provide such data may make it impossible to provide the services provided for those registered on the site, and to receive commercial communications and/or newsletters on products, initiatives and/or services offered by {WA- COMPANY NAME}.
In any case, the unregistered User, or who has not provided his data, will still be able to freely view the articles on the site, with the exception of the contents present in the reserved area.

5: Accessing data

The data may be made accessible exclusively for the above purposes to the following subjects:

  • employees and collaborators of ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS, in their capacity as internal data processors and/or managers and/or system administrators;
  • third-party companies or other subjects (for example, associations or professional firms) that provide assistance and consultancy services and activities to ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS, with particular but not exclusive reference to management services information system used by ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS and the telecommunications networks and providers, as well as newsletter sending services that carry out outsourced activities on behalf of ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS, in their capacity as external data controllers.

6: Recipients or categories of recipients of the data

The natural and legal persons appointed as Data Controllers and the natural persons authorized to process the data necessary to carry out the tasks assigned to them may become aware of the data of the interested party: employees of ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS, interns and consultants.

Without the express consent of the User ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS may communicate the User's data for the purposes of the Service to Supervisory Bodies, Judicial Authorities as well as to all other subjects to whom such communication must be made in compliance to an obligation established by law, by a regulation or by community legislation.

7: Rights of interested parties

The current legislation on data protection attributes specific rights to the interested party, who, to exercise the same, can contact the data controller directly and at any time.

The rights exercisable by the interested party, described below, are:

  • Right of access
  • Right of rectification
  • Right of cancellation
  • Right to Limit
  • Right to portability
  • Right to object

Interested parties and legal persons, bodies and associations may at any time modify the optional consents whenever they wish.

Right of access
The right of access provides the possibility for the interested party to know which personal data relating to him or her are processed by the Bank and to receive a free copy (in case of further requested copies may be charged a fee based on the costs incurred). The information provided includes the purposes of the processing, the categories of data processed, the expected retention period or, if not possible, the criteria used to define this period, as well as the guarantees applied in the event of data transfer to third countries and the rights exercisable by the interested party.

Right of rectification
The right of rectification allows the interested party to obtain the updating or rectification of inaccurate or incomplete data that concern him.

Right of cancellation (so-called "oblivion")
The right of cancellation, or to be forgotten, allows the interested party to obtain the cancellation of own personal data in the following particular cases:
- the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and processed;
- the interested party revokes the consent on which the processing is based, if there is no other legal basis that could otherwise legitimize it;
- the interested party opposes the processing and there is no further legitimate reason to proceed with the processing carried out by the owner for:
- the pursuit of a legitimate interest of oneself or of third parties and there is no overriding legitimate reason for the owner to proceed with the processing,
- direct marketing purposes, including the profiling connected to it;
- the personal data of the interested party have been processed illicitly.
This right can be exercised even after the revocation of consent.

Right of limitation
The right of limitation can be exercised by the interested party in case:
- of violation of the conditions of lawfulness of the processing, as an alternative to the deletion of the data;
- of request for rectification of the data (waiting for rectification) or opposition to their processing (waiting of the owner's decision).
Without prejudice to conservation, any other processing of the data whose limitation is requested is prohibited.

Right to portability
The right to portability allows interested party to use their data held by the Bank for other purposes. Each interested party may request to receive the personal data relating to him or her or request their transfer to another owner, in a structured, commonly used and readable format (Right to portability).
In particular, the data that may be subject of portability are the personal data (e.g. name, surname, address, date and place of birth, residence), as well as a set of data generated by the transactional activity that the Bank has defined for each macro-category of products/services (e.g. existing or terminated relationships, movement). This right does not apply to non-automated processing (e.g. paper archives or registers).

Right to object
The right to object allows the interested party to object at any time, for reasons connected exclusively to your situation, to the processing of personal data concerning you.

8: Data retention period

ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS processes and stores the personal data of the interested party for the entire duration of the contractual relationship, for the execution of the obligations inherent and consequent thereto, for compliance with applicable legal and regulatory obligations, as well as for own or third party defensive purposes, until the data retention period expires.

In particular, the retention period of the interested party's personal data starts:
- in the case of a request for information relating to the provision of services, for a period not exceeding 6 months
- in the case of concluded contract, for the time of creation of the service (for example for the time of creation of the website), of its possible management / maintenance and for accounting management required by legal obligations.
- in the case of receipt of a CV, they will be kept for a period no later than 12 months from receipt

There is an obligation for ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS to inform other data controllers who process the personal data of which the interested party has requested cancellation of the cancellation request.

At the end of the applicable retention period, the personal data relating to the interested parties will be deleted or stored in a form that does not allow the identification of the interested party.

9: Data transfer

The personal data provided by the registered User to allow the sending of commercial communications by email on products, initiatives and/or services offered by ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS and/or newsletters containing in-depth information on the main topics linked to the services offered by ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS are processed electronically through the use of our proprietary email sending systems located on the Aruba S.p.A. servers

Other than this case, the management and storage of data will take place on servers located within the European Union of ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS and/or third-party companies appointed and duly appointed as Data Processors. The data will not be transferred outside the European Union. In any case, it is understood that ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS, if necessary, will have the right to move the location of the servers to Italy and/or the European Union and/or non-EU countries. In this case, ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS ensures from now on that the transfer of non-EU data will take place in compliance with the applicable legal provisions by stipulating, if necessary, agreements that guarantee an adequate level of protection and/or adopting the contractual clauses standards established by the European Commission.

10: Third party websites and other sites owned by ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS

We point out from now on that, should the Site contain links that refer to the websites of third parties, ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS cannot exercise any control over the content of such websites nor has any access to the personal data of the users who are visitors to the same.
The owners of the aforementioned websites will therefore remain the sole and exclusive owners and managers of the processing of the personal data of their users, remaining, ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS, extraneous to this activity as well as to any any liability, prejudice, cost, which may arise from its failure or incorrect completion.
The Site may also contain links to other sites owned by ELIZABETH FAY INTERNATIONAL SAS.
It is therefore advisable to carefully read the relevant privacy policies and terms of use of these websites before providing or consenting to the processing of your personal data.